One of my *favorite* early Springtime activities is foraging freshly sprung onions and greens, as well as early spring flowers like dandelions and wild violets. Foraging used to intimidate me but many plants are very easy to identify once you know *exactly* what they look like. Wild foraged plants contain so much more nutrition than anything you'll find at the store and are great for a healthy microbiome, which is an often overlooked but *vital* system that dictates so much of our health, from digestion to regulation of mood. You can learn about plant identification from experts by going on foraging walks, reading many available blogs and books, or joining foraging groups on Facebook. Just be sure not to eat anything without a positive ID. Foraging and making treats like wild green pesto, putting dandelion petals or sorrel in my salad, or brewing this wild violet lemonade help me to feel more tuned into the seasons of nature, and nurture my spirit by allowing me to feel more connected to the world around me. Making wild violet lemonade in particular helps me to sink deeper into my feminine essence as I delight in picking these precious flowers and making this sweet and vibrant Springtime sipper.
Wild violets are very easy to identify by their heart shaped leaves, 5 petals, and distinct color. They are abundant this time of year on the edge of woodlands and can also be grown in your garden. If wild-harvesting, be sure to do so in an area that is not sprayed with pesticides or other chemicals. Also, look for large patches to save time, rather than picking every single violet you see as you walk.